The Teal Stratus Story: Confessions from the Cloud


Introducing Teal Stratus Technologies

If I’m being honest, launching Teal Stratus’s website on September 10th wasn’t just another date on the calendar—it felt like sending my child off to college. Emotional, I know. But when you’ve poured your heart into creating a consulting firm that promises to revolutionize the digital environments for Small Businesses, Startups, State, and Federal customers, emotions are bound to run high.

Why Teal Stratus? Well, Let Me Confess…

Life has an uncanny way of stitching together our past experiences to present opportunities. With roots steeped in military discipline and the free-wheeling innovation of startups, I never imagined that these worlds would collide to birth Teal Stratus. But they did. With over ten years in the trenches—securing defense systems and navigating cloud environments—we’ve emerged with a robust toolkit. And while I’m bursting with pride, there’s a deeper narrative that needs to be shared.

Here’s Where Our Real Value Lies

You see, the IT consulting market is a crowded subway at rush hour. Everyone’s trying to get somewhere, and all providers are vying for attention. So, what makes Teal Stratus the passenger you’d give up your seat for? Our cloud engineers. Their defense-rich backgrounds are more than just impressive LinkedIn bios. They’re a testament to our collective Passions—a commitment to carve out genuine value in an often transactional world.

Why Hours Don’t Tell the Full Story

I’ve had my fair share of experiences with traditional IT consulting models. Clock in, clock out. Pay for hours—even if those hours weren’t necessarily productive. Over time, I’ve come to realize that while this model is as predictable as morning coffee, it doesn’t always brew the best results. That’s why at Teal Stratus, we dared to pivot—to embrace value-based pricing.

Value-Based Pricing: Why It’s Closer to My Heart

Value-based pricing is more than just an approach—it’s a belief system. Instead of getting bogged down by the ticking clock, we measure our worth by the tangible value we bring. Our SOWs aren’t just checklists—they’re letters to our clients, promising clarity, commitment, and tangible outcomes for every cent invested.

Let’s Talk About Trust, Shall We?

In the maze of cloud solutions, having a trustworthy guide is priceless. And at Teal Stratus, trust isn’t a buzzword—it’s an earned currency. When you see a clear roadmap of where your investment goes and the returns you can anticipate, that niggling doubt in the back of your mind takes a backseat. We’re not just in it for the business; we’re in it for the shared success stories and lasting relationships.

So, Here’s My Heartfelt Pitch

As I wrap up, with all the vulnerability of someone who’s laid bare their journey, I invite you to explore the Teal Stratus universe. Beyond the website, services, and client testimonials, lies a team with unwavering passion and an undying commitment to value and communication.

Whether you’re a startup, a state agency looking to move into the cloud or a federal unit on the hunt for impeccable cloud security, let’s craft a legacy together.

Step into our world, share in our dreams, and let’s co-create a cloud-centric future. Because at the heart of Teal Stratus, it’s all about you.

A new era in cloud transformation begins with Teal Stratus. We’re not just another IT consultancy firm; we’re your partners in a value-driven journey to secure, innovate, and thrive in the digital realm. Dive into a partnership where value isn’t just a buzzword—it’s our Passion.


Work with Us

At Teal Stratus, we specialize in demystifying complex cloud designs and deployments. With our Agile methodologies, we facilitate seamless communication from engineers to Chief Information Security Officers, ensuring timely and budget conscious delivery.